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8. Prevádzkovateľ služby informuje, že obmedzenie používania cookies môže ovplyvniť niektoré funkcionality dostupné na stránkach Služby.

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Find the latest news about events and activities related to TZMO SA and our products.
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PLASTICA, production company – member of TZMO Capital Group, has been once more  recognized in „Diamenty Forbesa” ranking which includes companies which the most dynamically increase their value.

Bella-Hungaria Kft. – completion of the new investment

In November 2013 an investment process was completed and brand new warehouse of Bella-Hungaria Kft. which belongs to TZMO Capital Group was officially opened.

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Seni Brand on MEDICA 2012 fair

On 14-17 November 2012 we had an amazing possibility to participate in the biggest medical trade fair in the world – MEDICA 2012 in Düssdeldorf. With two mottos – ‘We care about your safety’ and ‘Value is what we create together’ we promoted mainly our three brands – SeniMatopat and Tricomed, as they are connected with the trade fair’s main theme.


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TZMO USA Inc. took part in the largest tradeshow in the U.S.

For the first time in its yet short history TZMO USA Inc. took part in the largest tradeshow in the U.S. for those who are interested in home medical equipment market – Medtrade.

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Toruń Long-Term Care Days Conference - Apply for speech delivery

From 18 to 20 September 2012 there will be held the 15th International Long-term Care Conference on “Responsible Care of Dependent Persons” in Toruń. This is the biggest event of that type in Poland dedicated to the long-term care with more than one thousand of participants from all over Europe every year. The Conference has been organized by Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. the Polish company that operates globally. Since the first editions the Polish Association of Gerontology is the Substantive Partner and Advisor of the Conference. Other international organizations, such as the European Association for Directors and Providers of Long-term Care Services for the Elderly E.D.E. also join in the cooperation.

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Seni on Altenpflege 2012

Altenpflege is the leading exhibition for the care sector. For many years now it has been a place for meetings of producers, contractors, caregivers and all other people interested and connected with long-term care. The event takes place annually, alternating between the exhibition venues of Nuremberg and Hanover. It gathers over 34 000 visitors and over 720 exhibitors form over dozen countries each year.

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Seni – Product of the Year 2011 in Russia!

On 9th November 2011 in РАЙ Club in Moscow, Russia, the 13th 'Product of the Year' Award Ceremony took place.

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MEDICA 2011 trade fair

In this special for TZMO SA year of double jubileee – 60 years of the company and 20 in a joint stock company form – we had an amazing possibility to participate in the biggest medical traid fair in the world – MEDICA 2011 in Düssdeldorf. With two mottos – 'We care about your safety' and 'Value is what we create together' we promoted mainly our two brands – Seni and Matopat, as they are connected with the trade fair's main theme.

“The Best in Poland” title for Bella Baby Happy wet wipes

Bella Baby Happy wet wipes were awarded “The best in Poland” title. The Consumer Products Quality Competition is the continuation of the popular Polish contest “Good because Polish” – XVII edition. It’s a kind of consumer contest, in which the numbers of votes determine rewarding the prize.

The European Parliament Elections

Among the arguments made by the individuals encouraging us to participate in the European Parliament Elections on June 7, 2009 there are not particularly strongly stressed economic issues. However, they more strongly than other factors decide about the conditions of business success and the level of our lives.

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